Instrumente si resurse

  • Assessment of energy consumption and costs I
    Tools for energy consumption  and costs assessment
  • Assessment of energy consumption and costs II
    Tools for energy consumption  and costs assessment
  • Assessment of energy consumption I
    Tools for energy consumption assessment
  • Assessment of energy consumption II
    Tools for energy consumption assessment
  • Association of Energy Auditors for Buildings
    Companies can find here various information (including legal provisions, best practices) on EE in buildings
  • BPIE Initiative in Romania
    BPIE aims to support the effective implementation of European policies on energy in buildings and contribute to the development of a market for energy efficient buildings. Companies can use this information for getting information about legal aspects and best practices in EU
  • EBRD Advice for Small Businesses
    Through the EBRD Advice for Small Businesses programme, eligible Romanian companies can obtain grants representing up to 75% of the total net cost of the consultancy project
  • Energy Efficiency - Guide for Solutions
    Companies can find at this address a Guide for Energy Efficiency, whit usefull information about moder technologies to be applied
  • Energy Observer ANERGO
    Companies will find here a template to register   on-line their own energy consumption, in a personal journal, which could help in analysing and adapting the consume profile in a more efficient way
    Companies can find here various information on EE and RES . Energynomics Magazine can be downloaded on this website
  • Environment Fund Administration
    Program for financing  energy efficiency works,  applied legal entities. Local autorities, but also legal entities acting as NGO's in social sector are eligible
  • European Project "ENER-SUPPLY"
    Companies can find here a handbook on renewable energy sources use. This information can be useful especially for those employees who are in charge with energy management issues.
  • Federation of Association of Energy Utilities Companies
    Companies can find on this website useful information and statistics  about energy efficiency  actions, but also on energy puchasing (natural gas, electricty)
  • ICTFOOTPRINT Self Assessment Tool for ICT Services (SAT-S)
    The SAT-S allows you to estimate the carbon and energy footprint of a digital service (that you use or provide) based on 1 year of use of the service assessed. This will help you make informed decisions about actions to improve your energy efficiency and eventually become greener in your ICT elements.
  • ICTFOOTPRINT Self Assessment Tool for Organisations (SAT-O)
    The SAT-O allows you to estimate the carbon and energy footprint of your ICT organisation or the IT department of your organisation, based on 1 year of activity. This will help you make informed decisions about actions to improve your energy efficiency and overall carbon emissions, either directly linked to the company activities or not (e.g. business travel and commuting of your staff).
  • Minsitry of European Funds, Operational Programmes
    Portal of Ministry for European Funds, presenting all the structural funds active in Romania
  • National Regulatory Authority for Energy
    Companies will find on this website all necessary information about legal framework in the field of energy in Romania
  • Norwegian and EEA Financial Mechanism
    The EEA Grants and Norway Grants are the financial contributions of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein towards the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and to strengthen bilateral relations with 16 EU and EEA Member States in Northern, Central and Southern Europe. One Priority Axis of the Programme for 2014-2020  is "Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy"
  • Portalul surselor de finantare
    Companies can use this website to get informed about various funding opportunities for their projects, including energy efficiency and RES projects
  • Romanian Green Building Council
    Companies cand find on this website useful information about sustainability in buildings and best practices
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